We have two repeater sites in Arnold and Barnhart Missouri.
Arnold: 2 Meter FM Repeater
Our Main AMARC repeater is our two meter FM at 146.925 with a CTCSS tone encoded at 192.8 hz.
It receives at 146.325 mhz FM, and decodes CTCSS tone frequency of 192.8 Hz.
With this repeater system you can talk in on either the 2 meter FM repeater, or the Barnhart UHF FM repeater, and you can copy everything on either of the repeater outputs.
Barnhart: UHF Repeater
This UHF FM repeater receives at 448.725 mhz with a CTCSS decode frequency of 192.8 hz, and transmits at 443.725 mhz with an encode CTCSS tone of 192.8 hz. It is linked with the 2 Meter Repeater in Arnold, MO.
NOTE: Both above repeaters are open to all amateur stations.
Echolink: K0AMC-R
Our Echolink node is interfaced to both above repeaters.
NEW! 6 Meter FM Repeater
The reciever is located in Liguori, Mo and the transmitter is in Barnhart, Mo.
Recieve Frequency: 52.950 MHz
Offset: minus (-) 1.7 MHz
Transmit Frequency: 51.250 MHz
PL Tone: 192.8 Hz